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Outreach and Evangelism Ideas

“Come and See” Events

(Inviting people to come to the church for an event)
For Children

  • Sunday School
  • Vacation Bible School
  • One Day VBS
  • Christmas for Kids or Easter for Kids
  • Lutheran Pioneers
  • Lutheran Elementary School
  • Child Care/Preschool
  • After School Programs

 College Aged People

  • Singles Group
  • Campus Ministries
  • Touring Group
  • Hobbies Group
  • Wedding Planning
  • Something Sports Related


  • Bible Studies
  • Parenting Seminars
  • Financial Seminars
  • Marriage Enrichment
  • Family Night Activities
  • Game night
  • Movie night
  • Festival Services
  • Friendship Sunday

“Go” Events

  • County Fair Booth
  • Local Parades
  • Farmers Markets
  • Art Fairs
  • Community Service
  • Canvassing
    • Faith In Action Team
    • Congregational Canvassing

Please note: too many activities can wear out members. They need time at home with families. They need time to meet neighbors and to express Christ’s love in word and action. It is better to do fewer things well than to do many things poorly.