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Outreach Carwash

Peace Lutheran Church of North Mankato sponsored an Outreach Carwash. The event was organized by Peace’s Gospel Outreach Board. The goal of the event was to provide a service to the community while also serving as a form of reverse canvassing. We developed a survey and distributed it to carwash participants. We also provided refreshments for those having their car washed and had a sound system playing music. Member workers were provided with a pizza lunch.

Here are a few details about the event:

  • It required a relatively low amount of planning and coordination. The main details that needed to be arranged were: recruitment of members to serve as workers, purchase of carwash supplies, creation of signage and advertising, refreshments for carwash participants, lunch for member workers, and the development of survey.
  • We had between (40-50) members participate as workers for the carwash. This means that the carwash also served as an in-reach event. Some members met and visited with other members for the first time.
  • Approximately 40 cars stopped at the carwash. We also washed several members’ cars.
  • The survey and refreshment stations were located by the entrance to the church and the front doors were left open. We had the sanctuary lights turned on so that as people got refreshments and took the survey, they could see into the church.
  • The event cost approximately $150 ($115 for refreshments and lunch and $40 for carwash supplies). However, approximately $190 was raised in free will donations from those stopping at the carwash. Our original intention was to not collect donations. However, several participants insisted on giving a donation.

Here are a few details about the carwash & survey results:

  • 29 Completed the survey.
  • 29 Stated that they believed that God existed.
  • 24 Stated that they currently belonged to a church. Most popular reasons for belonging to their respective church included: “Teachings” (8 responses), “I grew up in this church” (7 responses), “Pastor” (6 responses), “Sermons” (5 responses).
  • 5 Stated that they did belong to a church.
  • 5 Stated that they would like to receive more information and provided their email address.
  • 1 Family who stopped at the carwash attended Peace for the first time on Sunday, September 13.