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Thinking “Outside the Box”

Christ Lutheran Church and School in Port St. Lucie, FL is thinking outside the box, and it’s working! In the process of expanding their school, they quickly realized the need for more exposure in the community. Their present school building resides on the interior of the property, hidden from valuable frontage on a main thoroughfare. As a result, neighborhood and community members reported that they were not aware the church property included a school at all! Having identified the problem, the church looked for solutions. It was then that Pastor Chris Dale, the school’s Academic Dean, made an “Outside the Box” suggestion. He offered to buy a new vehicle for his family’s use if the church would agree to pay for the vehicle to be professionally wrapped with an advertisement for the school.

Once the church council approved the plan, the vehicle was purchased. Great care was taken in the selection of the vehicle so that it would provide the greatest affordable amount of square footage for advertising. Next, Dean Dale, together with his brother, the church’s Senior Pastor, Michael Dale, set out to design the perfect vehicle wrap. What they came up with turns heads at every intersection and has led to several conversations with church and school prospects outside of convenience and grocery stores. In addition, Dean Dale often sees people in surrounding cars take out their smart phones at red lights to look up the church’s website, which is prominently displayed on every side of the vehicle. Traffic to the church’s website has increased exponentially. One family actually came to church as a result of a conversation about the vehicle wrap! Lastly, by the grace of God, Christ Lutheran School tripled its elementary enrollment and increased its preschool enrollment by over 30% when compared to last year.

The members of Christ Lutheran Church and School are so thankful to our heavenly Father for blessing their efforts in outreach. They pray that God will continue to bring children and families into their midst.