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World Mission Souvenirs

Take it to the Lord in Prayer

Take it to the Lord in Prayer

Generally only percussion instruments are heard in Buddhist temples as monks sit cross-legged before…

The World-wide Harvest

The World-wide Harvest

Did you know that the churches we support as “world missions” conduct Gospel ministry in places they…

Commitment to Lutheran Pastoral Ministry

Commitment to Lutheran Pastoral Ministry

Fidel Convercio studied for 18 years to become a Lutheran pastor in Peru. Yes, you could say he was …

Your Pastor Wore Shoes on the Day He was Ordained. These Pastors Didn’t.

Your Pastor Wore Shoes on the Day He was Ordained. These Pastors Didn’t.

A group of six candidates being ordained in the Lutheran Mission of Salvation – India in Rajah…

My Jesus Cross

My Jesus Cross

My briefcase went missing at an airport in India. A bit concerned, I stood at the end of the baggage…

God Bless Our School!

God Bless Our School!

This small brass bell was a gift, a souvenir from the St. Paul Lutheran Congregation and Martin Luth…

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World Mission Souvenir Photos


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Outside the busy, crowded cities of urban India, scenes such as this World Mission Souvenir are common. A river laundry seems strange to us because we live in such a sophisticated part of the world. Do places like this really exist? Indeed they do. It’s a big world. Jesus encourages us, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1).“