Welcome to Our Church
Great honor is bestowed on guests who are received in Indian village churches. On one occasion, as w…
True Christmas Gift-giving
This World Mission Souvenir was purchased at a street market on a snowy afternoon in Kiev, Ukraine. …
The Companions God Gives Us
Traveling eastward by train from Ternopil to Kiev, Ukraine, we rolled across flat farmland under a c…
The Pastor and the Paper Picker
Pastor Watson served a small Lutheran congregation in a thatch-roof village in India. After a chicke…
Take it to the Lord in Prayer
Generally only percussion instruments are heard in Buddhist temples as monks sit cross-legged before…
The World-wide Harvest
Did you know that the churches we support as “world missions” conduct Gospel ministry in places they…
World Mission Souvenir Photos
Nina Andrechuk is the pro-life counselor at the Gift of Life Center in Kremenetz, Ukraine. During a time of death and destruction inflicted on her country by the murderous Russian invasion, last year she and her colleagues made presentations about the sanctity of life to nearly 5000 people. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb . . . I am fearfully and wonderfully made . . . (Psalm 139).” Her work supports Gift of Life’s efforts to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. In Advent we sing, “Savior of the nations, come!” (Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary, #90)