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ELH Altar Book Resources

ELH Propers I  First half (Advent-Pentecost) of Introits, Graduals, Alleluia Verses, Collects, and other materials for the Divine Service (intended for three-ring binder, front and back printing)

ELH Propers II  Second half (Trinity) of Introits, Graduals, Alleluia Verses, Collects, and other materials for the Divine Service (intended for three-ring binder, front and back printing)

ELH Proper Prefaces  Prayers combined with tones for the Service of Holy Communion in Rite 1, Rite 2, and Rite 3

ELH Closing Collects  Music for singing the closing Collects from Rite 1, Rite, 2, Matins, and Vespers

ELH Divine Office Propers  Seasonal propers for use at Matins and Vespers (Download .zip file of Divine Office propers)

ELH Ordination & Installation  Rites for the Ordination to the Holy Ministry and the Installation of a Parish Pastor (bulletin insert for Ordination Antiphon)

The Lord’s Prayer Four-part harmony

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