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Your Pastor Wore Shoes on the Day He was Ordained. These Pastors Didn’t.

    A group of six candidates being ordained in the Lutheran Mission of Salvation – India in Rajahmundry. As you can see in this World Mission Souvenir, among our Indian fellowship being barefoot is customary. These men took up pastoral duties in locations ranging from noisy, congested cities to remote, rural villages (one of the new pastors crossed paths with a huge Bengal tiger lying across a roadway; “I saw him with my own eyes,” he said.)

    It has become customary in our circles to observe October as Pastor Appreciation Month, a time for us to thank those who serve as shepherds among our congregations. Although most pastors in our country serve in quite civilized locations, ministry today is filled with its own challenges unique to our setting: cultural and philosophical opposition to Scriptural principles, challenges to marriage and home life, economic and time pressures on modern families, and more.

    How is it then that men enter the ministry with hope, confidence, and commitment? The answer is found in the fact that God himself arranged for the public ministry of Word and Sacrament for his Church. Through the Church he Calls pastors to service, and promises to bless all who serve him. Guard yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood (Acts 28).

    (The ELS relationship with the Lutheran Mission of Salvation – India is conducted by the Asia Committee of the Board for World Outreach.)