A friend in the Czech Republic gave me an oval plate, which he called a kitchen blessing. That’s where it is displayed in our home. In blue lettering on the glossy white ceramic, the message says in stylized (loosely translated) Czech, “Blessings on your household. God gives happiness.” This is a surprising sentiment, coming from what was once identified as the most atheistic country under Soviet domination.
It must mean that the truth of the kitchen blessing has been learned at least, or relearned at last, by somebody! It has been suggested that there is a difference between happiness and joy: happiness is being in a favorable circumstance, while joy is being in a favorable relationship. As Christians, we know that our loving God is the source of happiness among his people in their homes, and that our truest joy is based on our relationship with our Father through faith in His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.
“Oh, blest that house where faith ye find
and all within have set their mind
to trust their God and serve Him still
And do in all His holy will!”
Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary, #190
The ELS relationship with our The Czech Evangelical Lutheran Church is conducted by the Europe Committee of the Board for World Outreach.
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Steve Petersen