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What God Has Ordained is Always Good

God has established his own criteria for what determines marriage – the intimate and lifelong union of a man and woman into one flesh, entered into by mutual consent and promise. His institution of marriage is for the great benefit of our families and of our nation. No human authority – even the highest court of our land – can overthrow what the Supreme Judge of all mankind has defined as marriage.

Will this unfortunate 5-4 ruling of validating “same-sex marriage” for the entire country have a direct effect on our pastors and congregations? Will litigation be brought against any pastor who for conscience sake refuses to officiate at a homosexual wedding? More study is needed in the days and months ahead to realize the full range of what the ruling entails. But – no matter – our obedience is to the Lord, and we know He will be with us as we seek to do His will. He also provides the necessary strength to remain steadfast when the torrents of secularism rush against the church.

It is a day that calls for national repentance. The Supreme Court’s decision presents an occasion for each of us fellow Christians to speak another word – a better word – pointing people not only to what Scripture states on marriage but also to what is at the heart and center of that Word. We desire to use every occasion to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and his forgiving love.

May God help us all, for the sake of His beloved Son!

John A. Moldstad
Evangelical Lutheran Synod