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September 2024 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,

September marks the beginning of the busy parish life after usually taking a summer hiatus from educational activities and service organizations. And while the preaching and teaching of the Word is the primary task of the called pastor, there are responsibilities that can be shared with other instructors, e.g., calling upon theologically trained teachers for youth and adults where appropriate. All too often pastors get pulled in so many directions doing clerical or administrative work which could easily be shared by other members of the congregation. Perhaps asking for a visitation by the Circuit Visitor can help sort out such tasks that can be shared in appropriate ways. Consider these words written for pastors to consider:

“God … teaches us how to surrender our unhealthy independence and depend on him—by getting us to rely on other Christians…. Wise pastors notice and appreciate the talents of others so that they can help to put them to the best use. When pastors pretend that they have all the gifts, they are set up for failure. The wisest pastors create opportunities for their people to use their talents and gifts instead of assuming they are the only ones that can do the job. It not only saves time but honors the diversity God created in his church. Spiritual warfare is best conducted as a team.”1

May our Lord richly bless your congregation as these busy days of the church year resume by making it a spiritually productive time for all, young and old alike.

Note: In search of a study? – ’24 Synod Essay: “Walk Circumspectly in the World God So Loves.”

Glenn Obenberger

1 Spiritual Warfare, by Harold Ristau, Lexham Press, 2022, p. 18.

Our Bethany Lutheran College

Bethany Lutheran College opened its 98th academic year on Monday, August 19, 2024. At the opening service, President Gene Pfeifer gave the Opening of the Year address, the Bethany choir sang several pieces, and Chaplain Don Moldstad served as liturgist. While official enrollment numbers are not available until September, we are thankful for a class of incoming students just above 200. Several new full-time faculty were installed:

Angela Dabu – Head Coach, Softball
Mitchell DeKruif – Head Coach, Golf
Stephanie Heidorn – Assistant Professor, Media Arts
Ryan Nichols – Head Coach, Women’s Soccer
Lucas Seehafer – Assistant Professor, Exercise Science
Leanne Stob – Assistant Professor, Physics/STEM
Elisabeth Stuckey – Associate Professor, Nursing

The college is grateful for the support and prayers from all of the congregations and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

ELS Congregational Counselor

The Board for Home Outreach has called Rev. Ed Bryant to serve as Congregational Counselor to advise congregations facing the difficulties of small and/or dwindling numbers. Several congregations have closed in recent years. Some closed unexpectedly, some after a long struggle and with much sadness. Others followed a path that continued to provide the blessings of our Lord’s Word and Sacrament to the people; even though there were changes, there was joy in the result.

If your congregation is facing these challenges, please email Pastor Bryant at to begin the conversation leading to an assessment of the congregation and planning to address the challenges. Also working with the Evangelism & Missions Counselor (EMC), Rev. Brad Kerkow, the Congregational Counselor will connect congregations to resources helpful for both planning and carrying out the plan.

Bethany Lutheran College Auxiliary Day

As we begin our academic year at Bethany Lutheran College we look forward to hosting the National Auxiliary Day on Monday, September 23, 2024. During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Bethany faculty and students about the exciting things happening on campus. The group will also take part in the annual business meeting where auxiliary members vote on projects to support. Lunch will include updates from ELS President Glenn Obenberger and seminary President Timothy Hartwig. Looking forward to having our auxiliary members here!

Colloquy Committee

The ELS Colloquy Committee met on 7/1/24 for Part I and 8/16/24 for Part II resulting in this resolution: Resolved that Rev. Burgess Huehn is in agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in doctrine and practice and is recommended for permanent membership in the synod at the synod’s 2025 convention.

LBK 50 Year Anniversary

The fiftieth anniversary of the Lutheran Confessional Church in Sweden (LBK) was observed at a conference conducted on July 17–21 under the existential question: “After 50 Years—Do We Need a Confessional Church Today?” This jubilee celebration took place at Hjälmargården, Vingåker, Sweden. President Obenberger attended on behalf of our ELS. It was a joy to be present for this gathering comprised of pastors and members from the Lutheran Confessional Church–Sweden, Norway & Finland. Presentations were made on the six chief parts of the Small Catechism, the 500th anniversary of the first Lutheran hymnbook, and the impact of Dr. Siegbert Becker (WELS) in the formation and early years of the LBK. Near the closing of the event there were six presenters, clergy and lay, who spoke on the subject: “The Way Forward.” Many young families with children were present for the week-long retreat/conference. This has been a long-time customary gathering, so that many of the adults reminisced about attending it in their youth. They showed themselves to be a close-knit church body, which demonstrates its love for Jesus, His word, one another, and welcoming to visitors. The singing of many hymns was not only part of worship services, but also before and after every presentation. The answer to the existential question was a resounding “Yes!” While all the pastors in Norway, Sweden and Finland are bi-vocational, they continue to find interested Lutherans from the State Churches that appreciate the faithfulness of this small free church and seek to be part of the LBK. In addition to preaching in Avaldness, Norway, and being well received, Lisa and I were shown true Christian hospitality at every turn during our trip among the members of the LBK.

2024 Bjarne W. Teigen Reformation Lectures

The 2024 Bjarne Wollan Teigen Reformation Lectures are being planned for October 31–November 1, 2024. The theme will be “The Fiftieth Anniversary of Seminex”: 1. The LCMS Perspective—Pres. Matthew Harrison, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, St. Louis, MO; 2. The WELS Perspective—Dr. Mark Braun, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, WI; 3. The ELS Perspective—Pres. Glenn Obenberger, Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Mankato, MN. Registration is available online at

Prayer for Missions

On Sunday, September 8th, Peace Lutheran Church, North Mankato, Minnesota, will begin services at a new location with the intent of starting a daughter congregation in Eagle Lake, Minnesota.

Prayer: Gracious Heavenly Father, we ask your blessings on the beginning of a new congregation of believers in Eagle Lake. Be with the pastors, vicar, and all the members of Peace as they begin your work of sharing the Gospel message in a new location. Let your Word spread freely through the community and, through the working of the Holy Spirit, bring many to faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In his name we pray. Amen.

Upcoming Events

September 12–13 – Circuit Visitors Conference
September 17 – Committee for Archives and History
September 23 – Planning & Coordinating Committee
September 23 – BLC Auxiliary Day
September 25 – Strategic Planning Committee
September 30–October 1 – Board for Lutheran Schools
October 2–4 – General Pastoral Conference
October 14 – Synod Review Committee
October 31–November 1 – Reformation Lectures

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