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Prayer for President, Our Nation and Our World

Gracious Heavenly Father, we come before You with many requests for mercy. Be with our President and First Lady in their time of illness. Let Your healing hand be over them. Grant them peace and comfort and, if it is Your will, bring them both to a safe and speedy recovery.

We also ask Your blessings upon our nation. Heal our divisions and bring peace to our cities and throughout our nation. Give to all our leaders the wisdom to lead justly. Remind us all of our duties to our government, to our neighbors and, above all, to You.

Guide all who care for others and bless them with good health, compassion and strength. We pray that in Your mercy You will ease the suffering of many and bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic throughout our world.

Help us all to use this time to be reminded of our own mortality and especially of our need for the Savior from sin, death and the power of the devil, Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen.