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October 2024 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,

My confirmation passage was that familiar text from Ephesians: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast“ (2:8–9). The next verse also is good for us Christians to take note of and apply to ourselves: “For we are [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (2:10).

“The baptismal life is a vocational life. God does not only honor us with his saving action, but he honors us with work. Saint Paul puts the two together in his letter to the Ephesians: … That child at the font is being saved by grace alone but is also being tasked with good deeds he or she cannot even comprehend yet. The sign of the cross has a dual meaning. It marks one as redeemed by Christ crucified and marks one as a coworker with God in the world. A coworker who shares in the suffering.”1

So as thoroughly liberating as my passage has remained for me, since the work of my salvation is God’s alone in His Son, I now get to do vocational work unencumbered by its imaginary necessity for salvation. I am free to love neighbor in Jesus’ name without seeking my glory. My fellow redeemed enjoy this blessed freedom in all that you do and say in this life. Jesus’ gift of life in His name sets us free from our sin and its condemnation forever.

Glenn Obenberger

1 The Baptismal Life, by Michael Berg, NPH, 2022, p. 109.

150th Anniversary in Suttons Bay

On Saturday, August 24, 2024 the congregation of First Lutheran Church, Suttons Bay, Michigan celebrated their 150 year anniversary. A Festival Service was held at 3pm with four former pastors participating. ELS President Glenn Obenberger preached on Luke 19:37–44 with the theme, “Celebrate the Time of Jesus’ Gracious Visitation of Eternal Peace.” A catered reception was held outside at a local park pavilion at 5pm with former pastors and vacancy pastors speaking. 100 people attended the Festival Service.


The Somber congregation (rural Northwood, Iowa) officially decommissioned its church building on September 8. The congregations of Lake Mills, Lime Creek, and Somber voted earlier this year to unite as one congregation, at the Lake Mills location. They have adopted a new constitution with the name Grace Lutheran Church. The new congregation, together with Forest City and Thompson, is served by Pastor Glenn Smith.

Grand Opening in Eagle Lake

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, an outdoor, grand opening service was held in Eagle Lake, Minnesota. The congregation of Peace Lutheran, North Mankato, Minnesota, is beginning this preaching station as a daughter. Services are being held at the city hall building. A cake reception followed the grand opening service.

Bethany Seminary Begins a New Academic Year 2024–2025

Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary began the new academic year on August 19, 2024. The seminary enrollment this year numbers nine. There are three vicars, two seniors, three middlers, and one junior. The vicars are Skyler Hepler at Our Savior and Resurrection Lutheran Churches, Lakeland/Winter Haven, Florida; Caleb Strutz at Peace Lutheran Church, North Mankato/Eagle Lake, Minnesota; and Caleb VonDeylen at Divine Mercy Lutheran Church, Weatherford, Texas.

Pictured from left to right:
(back) Arthur Langhorst, Graham Parsons, Scott Fassett
(front) Noah Schleusener, Adam Hoeft, Peter Estrem
Vicars not pictured: Skyler Hepler, Caleb Strutz, Caleb VonDeylen

2024 Bjarne W. Teigen Reformation Lectures

The 2024 Bjarne Wollan Teigen Reformation Lectures are being planned for October 31–November 1, 2024. The theme will be “The Fiftieth Anniversary of Seminex”: 1. The LCMS Perspective—Pres. Matthew Harrison, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, St. Louis, MO; 2. The WELS Perspective—Dr. Mark Braun, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, WI; 3. The ELS Perspective—Pres. Glenn Obenberger, Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Mankato, MN. Registration is available online at

ELS Youth Missionary Fund

The Hugh Brooks Mission Fund was established Rev. Matthew & Rebecca Brooks in memory of their dear son Hugh who died from heart-complications before he was a year old. This wonderful memorial fund exists to assist ELS teens and college students with financial help to participate in mission projects within our fellowship. Youth leaders and/or parents of our young people are encouraged to contact to our ELS Board for Youth Outreach chairman, Pastor Kyle Madson ( through their congregational pastor to learn more about how their youth might make use of these funds in kingdom work. “Establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Ps. 90:17)

Our Bethany Lutheran College

Bethany’s fall enrollment report shows that after four consecutive years of year-over-year record enrollment, overall enrollment remains stable. Enrollment stands at the second highest all-time enrollment in its 98-year history. Total headcount enrollment is 900. We thank God for these positive enrollment trends at our college!

Upcoming Events

September 30–October 1 – Board for Lutheran Schools
October 2–4 – General Pastoral Conference
October 14 – Synod Review Committee
October 31–November 1 – Reformation Lectures
November 6–7 – Board for Home Outreach
November 11–12 – Board of Regents
November 19–20 – Board for World Outreach

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