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February 2025 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,

Tradition usually has us picture Simeon, who held the forty-day old Christ Child in the temple, as an elderly man. But there is nothing in the Luke (2:22ff) account of Jesus’ presentation—observed by the Church on February 2—that would indicate his age. This righteous and devout man was informed by a revelation by the Holy Spirit that “he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.” In Rite II in the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary (p. 81) we sing Simeon’s song after we have Jesus draw close to us with His real presence in the Holy Supper. Simeon begins by saying: “Lord, now You let Your servant depart in peace according to Your word.”

As Simeon held Jesus, the Christ, close to himself, he could confess that he was now ready to die. But again, this same thing is sung by young and old communicants today. We are rightly prepared by our Lord to meet our death at any age, because with Simeon our eyes have seen His salvation; but we by faith. This holy One born of Mary is our Savior, and we have Him come to us with all His blessings—forgiveness, life and salvation.

It is not just the elderly among us who are prepared to die. Our Lord prepares all ages among His believers rightly to meet death in full confidence that this holy One born for us all has swallowed up our death by dying in our place and rising to life again. See yourself in Simeon, not in his age, but in his faith which is the same as yours. You believe God loved you so much He sent His only begotten Son to redeem you from sin, death and hell. With that same confidence of Simeon, sing, no matter your age, “Lord, now You let Your servant depart in peace according to Your word.”

Glenn Obenberger

Our Bethany Lutheran College

Bethany Lutheran College began the second semester on Monday, January 6, 2025. While classes are in session, the college holds a daily chapel service. You are invited to join in person, or visit Bethany’s Chapelcast web page at where you can watch live or view any of the archived services.

The Lutheran Sentinel

Rev. James Braun, the new content editor, will be following a thematic approach to our six annual editions. He will be seeking authors of articles to fit with the various themes. We assume that authors from our ELS boards and committees will also be asked for contributions reflecting the various interests and concerns which will coordinate with the themes. Others may approach Rev. Braun with ideas, offering even suggested articles, and in consultation with the Communications Director (Rev. Paul Fries), it will be decided if such themes or articles would be used. Here are the remaining themes for 2025:
March-April: “Why I am a Lutheran”
May-June: 1700th Anniversary of the Nicene Creed (June 19)
July-August: 2025 ELS Convention
September-October: The New Heavens and the New Earth
November-December: The Incarnation

The ELS Assignment Committee

This committee will meet on April 7, 2025. This spring we should have three candidates of theology from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary to be placed in their first calls on May 7. We should also have two vicars to be placed under the supervision of one of our pastors in the parish for the coming school year. If there are ELS congregations seeking either a candidate or a vicar, please submit requests soon (deadline Feb. 28, 2025). A candidate request should be sent to the office of the synod president (a blank call with the usual supporting documents including cover letter, salary and benefits package—at least according to the home missionary scale see Synod Report 2024, Res. #2, p. 103, should all be sent with a formal request from your calling body). A vicar request should be sent to the office of the BLTS president.

Board for Lutheran Schools

In ordinary business, the Board for Lutheran Schools fields applications for grants to schools and school start-ups at ELS churches. Current and recent recipients include churches in Oregon and Oconomowoc, WI; Saginaw, MI; Mankato, MN; Lakewood, WA; and Carthage, MO. There is a growing number of BLC students preparing for possible teaching assignments, and Bethany has also been increasing support for currently-serving teachers who wish to pursue synod certification. We happily report a new research project funded by an outside grant that will include a revitalizing organizational process for a number of schools and a presentation at our 2026 ELS National Teacher Conference. A brief about a pervasive educational trend called Social and Emotional Learning will be released to our schools in coming months. Examples of Harvest Strategy documents from the board are already available for ELS school parishes. These describe a gospel outreach strategy through a parochial school. We seek opportunities for congregations to start new schools where “school choice” support covers the majority of the financial burden. Finally, the board is forming plans to work alongside the Board for Home Outreach to investigate the possibility of using “school choice” support to start new missions in strategic locations.

ELS Youth Missionary Fund

The Hugh Brooks Mission Fund was established Rev. Matthew & Rebecca Brooks in memory of their dear son Hugh who died from heart-complications before he was a year old. This wonderful memorial fund exists to assist ELS teens and college students with financial help to participate in mission projects within our fellowship. Youth leaders and/or parents of our young people are encouraged to contact to our ELS Board for Youth Outreach chairman, Josh Mayer, through their congregational pastor to learn more about how their youth might make use of these funds in kingdom work. “Establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands” (Ps. 90:17).

Statistical Reporting

Statistical reports for 2024 are due February 15. You can complete the reporting form online: Board and committee secretaries also are reminded that any corrections or additions to the “Addresses of Board and Committee Members” as it is printed in the Synod Report also should be submitted at this time.

Upcoming Events

February 7 – Planning & Coordinating Committee
February 10–11 – Board of Regents
February 13 – Board of Trustees
February 17–21 – Never Confounded Retreat
February 27–28 – Board for Home Outreach
March 15 – BORAM report deadline
March 17–18 – Board for World Outreach

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