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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Light for My Path Daily Devotion

Bible Reading

A voice is calling out: In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord. In the wasteland make a level highway for our God. Every valley will be raised up, and every mountain and hill will be made low. The rugged ground will become level, and the rough places will become a plain. Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh together will see it. Yes, the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Isaiah 40:3-5 EHV)

Hymn  ELH 102:3-4  Comfort, Comfort Ye My People

Hark, the herald’s voice is crying
In the desert far and near,
Bidding all men to repentance,
Since the Kingdom now is here.
O that warning cry obey!
Now prepare for God a way;
Let the valleys rise to meet Him
And the hills bow down to greet Him.

Make ye straight what long was crooked;
Make the rougher places plain.
Let your hearts be true and humble
As befits His holy reign.
For the glory of the Lord
Now o’er earth is shed abroad,
And all flesh shall see the token
That His Word is never broken.


Gracious Father, prepare my heart to meet my Savior through daily repentance and forgiveness. Give me joy in knowing that Jesus Has opened the way to You. In His name I pray. Amen.