Light for My Path Daily Devotion
Bible Reading
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not allow anyone to put the yoke of slavery on you again. (Galatians 5:1 EHV)
Hymn ELH 484:1-2 Christ Alone is Our Salvation
Christ alone is our salvation,
Christ the rock on which we stand;
Other than this sure foundation
Will be found but sinking sand.
Christ, His cross and resurrection,
Is alone the sinner’s plea;
At the throne of God’s perfection
Nothing else can set him free.
We have all things, Christ possessing:
Life eternal, second birth,
Present pardon, peace, and blessing
While we tarry here on earth;
And by faith’s anticipation,
Foretaste of the joy above
Freely giv’n us with salvation
By the Father in His love.
Jesus, my Savior, You have set me free from fear of sin, death and the power of the devil. Forgive my sins and help me to stand firm in faith, through the power of Your Word. Amen.