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What We Believe

Doctrinal statements are useful because they organize particular teachings of the Bible and assist in teaching those timeless truths of God’s Word.
As Lutherans, we subscribe to the Lutheran Confessions contained in the Book of Concord originally published in 1580, because they are a correct exposition of Scripture.
Contained here are statements of doctrine adopted by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and its predecessor church bodies.  The present-day ELS subscribes to all these adopted statements and confessions, and continues to teach and confess them as true.

We Believe, Teach and Confess
A concise doctrinal statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Luther’s Small Catechism
Part of the Book of Concord, Luther’s Small Catechism is still used to catechize both children and adults in the Christian faith.

The Augsburg Confession
Part of the Book of Concord, the Augsburg Confession is considered the first Lutheran confession of faith.

The Three Ecumenical Creeds
The three confessions of faith common to all Christian churches.

The Public Ministry of the Word
Adopted 2005

The Lord’s Supper
Adopted 1997

Roles of Men and Women in the Church
Adopted 1990

Doctrine of the Church
Adopted 1980

Unity, Union, and Unionism
Adopted 1936

An Accounting
Adopted 1884

Adopted 1884

The Third Commandment and the Christian Sunday
Adopted 1863

Lay Preaching
Adopted 1862

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