Clean the Church
Congregation members sign up for their month and they have the option of cleaning the church themselves or paying the youth group $45 per section.
Car Washes
After church (especially successful if there is a meeting going on after the service), youth wash members’ cars for donations. Minimal cost involved.
Hire the Youth
Youth group hires itself out to members and members of the community to: clear weeds, move heavy lumber, move furniture etc.
Valentine Dinner
Decorate the fellowship hall and make it cozy and host a dinner.
Rummage Sale
Ask members to donate unwanted items. Advertise and put out lots of signs.
Selling Christmas Cards & Napkins
Selling Christmas cards is an easy fund raiser if you take orders and collect the money when you take the order. Oshkosh Church Supply (414-235-4330) will send you a catalog and suggestions on how much to charge for the cards and napkins. Some churches use this as an ongoing fund raiser. They order several kinds of cards and make a display fo all the cards availble. The members buy them individually for special occasions (birthdays, confirmations, anniversaries…).
Christmas Wreath Sale
Take paid orders and buy the wreaths in quantity.