Church Year Calendar (Historic Lectionary, Three-Year Lectionary, and Saint Days)
ELS Worship Essays A collection of essays prepared by ELS pastors and published in the theological journals of the ELS.
Historic Lectionary Materials for the ancient set of Sundays and readings in the Christian Church.
Heritage of Hymns These programs on various topics of Lutheran worship are held during the annual ELS Synod Convention.
Multilanguage Worship Materials – Resources in Braille, Spanish, and Latin.
Special Services Service resources for Lent, Easter, and Reformation.
Special Music Ten hymn settings for brass and woodwinds.
Worship Guide Produced by Chaplain Donald Moldstad, this step-by-step guide explains the parts of the Common Order (Rite II in the ELH).
Comparison of Liturgical Services Prepared by the Rev. Craig Ferkenstad, this chart with historical notes compares Lutheran liturgies from 1525, 1537, 1685, 1802, 1889, 1913, and 1996.
A Look Inside the Lutheran Church (Audio)
Service Planner A web-based tool for planning, publishing, and archiving church service information, based on the lectionaries and propers of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary. Features automatic calculation of liturgical days and texts, linking to pericopes in any version at biblegateway.com, adjustable church year, import/export of lectionaries and propers, and more. Helps pastors collaborate with musicians, altar guild, secretaries. Informs church members about upcoming services.
According to Your Word Website with coloring books for the Lutheran liturgy, Luther’s Small Catechism, and more.