At the center of the logo on the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary is the Cross, a reminder that the source and focus of our worship is Christ Jesus the Crucified. The Latin cross buds forth at the end of each of its arms as a symbol that the Cross, the Tree of Life, will bring life to the four corners of the world. Behind the cross we see the lyre, the symbol of praise and worship. We are reminded of David, the sweet singer of Israel, and all the judges, prophets and priests who proclaimed the Word of God in their services of worship. The lyre also reminds us of the great service of liturgical music that has been the mark of the Christian Church throughout the ages. The ultimate background in the design is a diamond shape. This shape is more than a pleasing geometric. It is an example of musical notation called “hobnail.” This diamond shaped notation was used in the sixteenth century, and it reminds us of the great reawakening of Gospel proclamation brought about by the Lutheran Reformation. It also reminds us of the work of Luther, the renewer of congregational song, and the glorious traditions of evangelical music making that culminated in the work of J. S. Bach.