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Any Angels Around Here?

    Standing outside a cement block church in a small village in rural India, I was joined by a member of the congregation who was assigned, I suppose, to keep an eye on me while church business was conducted in the Telugu language inside the church.  My barefoot babysitter must have felt responsible for me, and he must have wanted to be a good chaperone. He showed it by gathering dry weeds and small branches into a pile and starting a fire. Then he collected some raw peanuts from a patch of plants growing nearby. The peanuts were tossed into the fire and more fuel was added. After a while, the flames died out. When the ashes were cool, my new friend retrieved the peanuts, shelled them, and poured fresh, warm, roasted peanuts into my hands. Snack time!

    Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13).  OK, I’m no angel, but how could he know that? His good example of kindness to a foreigner was appreciated. No words were exchanged in that Indian churchyard but, based on our shared faith in Jesus Christ our Savior, a bond of fellowship was enjoyed by two Christian strangers. St. Paul was right:  . . . in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others (Romans 12).

     (The ELS relationship with The Lutheran Mission of Salvation – India is conducted by the Asia Committee of the Board for World Outreach.)

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    Steve Petersen –