Q: “Is the Sons of Norway a ‘lodge’ in the ‘secret society’ sense of the word, or merely an ethnic club?”
A: After reviewing its latest literature, it is clear that the “Sons of Norway International” freely makes use of the term “lodge” in its brochures. However, this is not to be interpreted that the organization is therefore a member (either directly or indirectly) of the Masonic Order, such as is the case with the animal lodges (Eagles, Moose, Elks, etc.). Apparently, this organization is strictly a benefit and cultural society with a purpose of preserving Norwegian heritage in North America.
In an excellent pamphlet on the reasons why a Christian cannot in good conscience join a lodge associated in any way, shape, or form with Masonry, Dr. Walter A. Maier, Jr., has also made this appropriate comment: “Among fraternal orders operating primarily as mutual insurance societies are a goodly number which either have eliminated lodge-type features from their organization or, if these are present, will excuse members from participation in the ritual and secret work and teachings of the order. . . . A Christian need not question the moral propriety of joining fraternal insurance orders which do not require an applicant to associate himself in any way with lodge-type beliefs and exercises,” (taken from a tract entitled, “Should I Join a Fraternal Society?”).