Dear Members and Friends of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,
The ELS traditionally begins its annual convention on Father’s Day. While this special observance was first introduced in our country in 1910, Father’s Day did not become a nationally recognized day to honor fatherhood until 1966. But as we honor our fathers this year you may enjoy this treatment connecting earthly fatherhood to our heavenly Father.
“The Father-child imagery is of great comfort. Even if you did not have a good father and didn’t have a father at all, you know (maybe more than most) what a good father is supposed to be. A father is supposed to be a paradox. He is supposed to be powerful but gentle. He is supposed to be feared but loved. He is the one who one moment stands between danger and his child and in the next moment reads a book to a toddler. A father is one who speaks boldly but tenderly. He is the one whose toughness is tough for a reason: his child. … Imagine a father leaning over the rail of his newborns crib and barely audibly saying ‘I will never ever let anything happen to you. I would gladly lay down my life for you. I will give you everything you need and probably a lot more if you ask! It is as if you were always a part of me—that I was meant to be your father, that from all eternity this was meant to be.’ The Father in heaven made a promise. He gave you his word and he always keeps his word. He always knew you and loved you. He predestined you for the heavenly estate. This is your family inheritance. So he made sure that you, whom he predestined, would be called by the Holy Spirit to believe. He made sure that you, whom he called, would be justified in the blood of Christ. He made sure that you, whom he justified, would be glorified in all eternity. [cf. Rom. 8:29-32] He made a baptismal promise to you, his child. His promises have power because his Word has power.” (The Baptismal Life, by Michael Berg, NPH, 2022, pp.120-122.)
Glenn Obenberger
Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary
Two seminary graduates were assigned as pastors during the 2024 Commencement Service held on May 8. Three vicars were also given assignments. Joel Hansen was assigned as pastor to Bloomington Living Hope Lutheran Church (WELS) in Bloomington, Minnesota. Matthew Lehne was assigned as pastor Parkland Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Washington. Skyler Hepler was assigned as vicar to Our Savior Lutheran and Resurrection Lutheran in Lakeland and Winter Haven, Florida. Caleb Strutz was assigned as vicar to Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota. Caleb VonDeylen was assigned as vicar to Divine Mercy Lutheran Church in Weatherford, Texas. We ask the Lord’s blessings on these men and the congregations they will serve.
Historical Society
The ELS Historical Society invites all to attend the presentation, “Hymnbook Traditions of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod” on Synod Sunday, June 16. The program will begin at 7:00 pm in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center at Bethany Lutheran College. The business meeting will follow.
Rev. David Emmons was installed as pastor of St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Lombard, Illinois, on Sunday, May 5, 2024.
Pictured (Back L to R): Pastors John Bergemann (WELS), Paul Webber, Christian Willick (WELS), (Front L to R): Pastors Jeffrey Hendrix, David Emmons, Fred Lams.
Faith Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas, celebrated the 50th anniversary of the congregation on Saturday, May 4, 2024. ELS president, Rev. Glenn Obenberger, served as the preacher, Pastor Patrick Ernst served as lector and Faith’s pastor, Daniel Ruiz, served as liturgist.
Pastoral Conference
ELS pastors from Minnesota and Iowa gathered at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota on Wednesday, May 22, for the Great Plains Pastors Conference.
Synod Convention Offerings
In February the ELS Board of Trustees designated the offerings at the Synod Sunday & Communion services toward bringing representatives from the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Kenya (ELDK) to the 2025 convention. Since then, a generous anonymous donor has made the offer to underwrite this visit.
Therefore, the Board of Trustees at its May meeting redesignated the offering for the two established ELS churches doing mission work under the supervision of the Board for Home Outreach as recipients of these offerings: Parkland, Tacoma, WA and Peace, North Mankato, MN. The collection from both services will be divided equally and forwarded to these congregations to assist in their outreach efforts.
ELS Youth Missionary Fund
The Hugh Brooks Mission Fund was established Rev. Matthew & Rebecca Brooks in memory of their dear son Hugh who died from heart-complications before he was a year old. This wonderful memorial fund exists to assist ELS teens and college students with financial help to participate in mission projects within our fellowship. Youth leaders and/or parents of our young people are encouraged to contact to our ELS Board for Youth Outreach chairman, Pastor Kyle Madson ( through their congregational pastor to learn more about how their youth might make use of these funds in kingdom work. “Establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands” (Ps. 90:17).
Upcoming Events
June 16–20 – Synod Convention
July 22–23 – Board for Home Outreach
July 25–28 – LYA Convention
View current vacancies and calls in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
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