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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Light for My Path Daily Devotion

Bible Reading

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is dawning upon you. Look, darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will dawn upon you, and his glory will be seen over you. Nations will walk to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Isaiah 60:1-3 EHV)

Hymn ELH 166: 1,4 Arise and Shine in Splendor

Arise and shine in splendor,
Let night to day surrender;
Thy Light is drawing near.
Above thee day is beaming,
In matchless beauty gleaming;
The glory of the Lord is here.

Lift up thine eyes in wonder;
See, nations gather yonder,
They all come unto thee.
The world has heard Thy story,
Thy sons come to Thy glory,
And daughters haste Thy Light to see.


Lord, help me as I live in a world darkened by sin, to always see the light Your Son brought to me and all the world: forgiveness of my sins, life and salvation. Help me to be a witness to that light in all that I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.