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The Church Will Rise From the Ashes

Holy Week opened with an inferno.  The fiery scene of Notre Dame brought global sadness and concern.  This iconic building with all its architectural beauty suffered a massive blow.  Onlookers wondered, “Will it rise again?”  The French leader has given assurances that it will, punctuating the intent with a five-year restoration promise.

The Parisian landmark church Our Lady of Paris (Notre Dame) no doubt will one day – maybe in five, maybe in ten years – be brought back as a respected sanctuary and draw worshipers and tourists to its awesome sight.  Yet many may wonder, “Will the splendor be the same?”

There is a more grand and glorious Church, often hidden from public display.  The Holy Christian Church – resting fully on the saving merits not of the Lady, but of her Son, the very Son of God – is the gathering of all believers from around the world.  Not a building, but people comprise its beauty.  As the people face their own mortality moments, the glory of this Church seems faint, even lost.  But a glorious rising from the ashes will occur!  In truth, this Church must arise!  Why?  The price for its rising from the fiery storms of sin and death has been paid with the highest security ever known – the very blood of God!  The Head of the Church has now himself risen from death; therefore, the Church itself can only follow into an eternity of glorious splendor, both in body and soul.

“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory!” (Colossians 3:4)

Have a wonderful Easter celebration, dear fellow Christians!

President J. A. Moldstad