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Born Sinless to Be Our Sin-Bearer!

“Please stay tuned for an important announcement.”  

“We have some breaking news to report in just a moment!” 

Then comes a cutaway.  A commercial.  gdfridayAnother one.   The teasers keep us from flipping the channel.  Is there some big surprise?

Despite the hype, the “important announcement” often disappoints.  We think to ourselves, “What’s so earthshaking about that?”   It may be old news rehashed.  It may be something any reasonable thinking human being could have imagined.

Well, today – March 25 – has not just one, but two huge announcements that carry global implications!  And we will not be disappointed!

This year happens to have the commemoration of two significant events of the church calendar fall on the same day, March 25:  the Annunciation of our Lord – 9 months before Christ’s birthday celebration – and the solemn observance of Good Friday.  Each observance carries an announcement that is a life-changer.  When the angel Gabriel appeared to the favored woman who would bear the Savior, can you envision how astonished Mary must have been?  “You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus” (Luke 1:31).  This fantastic announcement could only be eclipsed in magnitude by another announcement voiced on this same day long ago.  On the cross of Calvary our Savior spoke with his parched throat the definitive announcement for every single sinful ear to hear and every single sinful heart to embrace:  “It is finished!” (John 19:30)

The one who is sinless – Son of God and Son of Man ­– was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary to be the bearer of your sin, my sin and the sin of the world.  He bore those damning sins in his body in our place before God’s throne of justice.   By his shed blood we are set free from all guilt and punishment, for he is the substitute atoning sacrifice for the world.  This is a solid fact for all to believe and be saved, for he not only was born and was crucified; he has risen from the dead!

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.   John 3:16

J.A. Moldstad