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Name of Adult Paying for Registration

Attendee Registration

Name of student attending LYA (Attendee)
Gender (Biological Sex at Birth)
Attendee is a member of an ELS Congregation.
Attendee Will Particpate in LYA Choir
Attendee Will Participate in LYA Band
Breakout Session #1 (Select One)
Breakout Session #2 (Select One)
Parent or Guardian Email
Birthdate of Attendee
Attendee has attended LYA in the past.
Attendee T-Shirt Size
Attendee Agreement: As part of a Christian group sponsored activity, I understand that I will be expected to act responsibly toward the group as well as myself. I agree that I will not use drugs or alcohol during LYA.
I have discussed the above statements with the attendee. I feel that he/she understands the importance of appropriate behavior during LYA.
Clear Signature
As the parent/legal guardian of the minor listed on this form, I give my permission to the LYA Convention staff, in the case of an emergency where medical treatment is required, to obtain the services of a licensed physician. I will be notified if such an emergency exists.
Price: $350.00